Safety, Health & Environment

At Bison, safety is paramount. Our Team is laser focused on real time work conditions and potential hazards but is also constantly working to build the right safety culture by refining current policies and looking for new ways to further keep safe our team, family and neighbors.
-Chad Luhan, President & CEO

Bison is committed to the health and safety of our employees, customers, contractors, and the communities in which we work. It is Bison’s mission to provide and maintain a safe work environment for our family of employees. Our core philosophy is that safety takes precedence over all business pursuits and work practices.

We are determined in our goal of achieving zero injuries by implementing and developing new training programs, and by encouraging every Bison employee to be aware of their surroundings and mindful of their obligation to remain safe. We vigorously strive to maintain a safe and professional environment for the safety, health and well-being of every one of our employees. They put their trust in our leadership and we will never stop working to earn it.